Creating value fields and function block instances by dragging elements from the list of declared variables

How to create →value fields and/or →calls of →function block instances in the →graphical FBD-editor by dragging the already existing →variables and/or →function block instances from the list of declared variables:

  1. Make the list of declared variables visible. 

  2. Select the variables/instances in the list.
    Press Ctrl+A to select all elements in the view. Or press and hold the Shift- or the Ctrl-key to select several variables/instances. 

  3. Press and hold the primary mouse button while you drag the variables/instances into the drawing field.

  4. Release the primary mouse button to create the appropriate FBD-elements.
    During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted.  If the positioned element is presented with a red rectangle, the destination is not possible. Press the ESC-key, if you do not want to position the element and abort the action. 

An alternative to dragging the variable/instance from the list is the Content Assist.